Leading drilling company in Uganda
Drilling Permit
Call us: +256 704 032 414 / +256 781 580 278
Email: info@kasthewdrilling.co.ug / kasthew@gmail.com

About Us

KASTHEW GEOTECH Solutions Co. Uganda Ltd. is a private company offering comprehensive geotechnical and engineering consultancy services that meet the international standards, using modern technology across Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tazania, DR Congo and Sudan. The firm comprises of the best geotech laboratory, core/soil/rock drilling rigs, a team of highly qualified and experienced geologists and engineering personnel, committed to Integrity, Hard work and Excellence.

KASTHEW GEOTECH Solutions Co. Uganda Ltd.has ventured in Geotechnical projects & Environmental Assessment for Road projects, Hydro-Power Projects, Airport Construction as well as Major Construction projects in consultation, supervision and contracting.

Leading Geotechnical Solutions

KASTHEW GEOTECH Solutions Co. Uganda Ltd. has ventured in Geophysical and Hydro-geological surveys, Water well drilling, coring and Geotechnical with services (works, Consultation, project supervision and contracting) that meet the International Standards, using modern technology.

Geotech & Soil Assessment on High-Way Roads & DamsKASTHEW Geotech Solutions (U) Ltdis a leading provider of Geotechnical engineering solutions in the Great lakes region covering Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Sudan and Congo. KASTHEW Geotech Solutions has a team of specialists comprising of Project managers, Engineers, Geologists, Surveyors, Drillers, technicians and operators. The firm also has a fleet of equipments to handle large projects.

KASTHEW GEOTECH Solutions Co. Uganda Ltd.conducts Geotechnical investigations in Swampy and Near Shore Areas. We possess an immense experience and expertise in projects of this nature including; roads, Industrial Parks, Swampy areas as well as those filled with water.

TRIAL PITS: From hand pits, window samples and trial pits to more sophisticated and detailed investigations, KASTHEW GEOTECH Solutions Ltd offers an integrated ground investigation service providing quality data to the construction industry. Our experienced managers will provide one single point of contact to project manage your contracts from initial project concept through to detailed design of the ground investigation. We can provide utility surveying to trace all services prior to disturbance of the ground; advice on the site investigation techniques, manage the progress of the project and delivery the quality data you require.

LABORATORY Testing Services: KASTHEW GEOTECH Solutions Co. Uganda Ltd. conducts tests on disturbed and undisturbed soil, rock cores, aggregates, water, and bitumen. We conduct soil classification tests (Gradation, Hydrometer analysis, Atterberg limits, Linear Shrinkage), rock core strength tests (Unconfined Compressive Test, Point Load Index Test), aggregate strength tests (Aggregate Impact Value, Aggregate Crushing Value, Ten Percent Fines Value, Loss Angeles Abrasion Value, Sodium Sulphate Soundness, Bitumen Affinity Test), soil strength tests (Direct Shear Test, CU, CD and UU Triaxial tets, Consolidation test and Swell test), bitumen tests, Concrete Block/Cylinder/Brick/Paver Compressive Strength tests etc

OUR TEAM: KASTHEW GEOTECH Solutions Co. Uganda Ltd. hasa team of highly qualified and experienced technical personnel to undertake the kind of works involved in projects across the region. As a company, KASTHEW GEOTECH Solutionsattaches much importance to discipline on our sites and our field staff: engineers, technicians, and general staff are well versed in this aspect. Our personnel include;-a. Project Engineers b. Site Geologists c. Site Manager/Site Supervisor/ Site agent d. Drilling foreman e. Drillers /Assistant drillers f. General staff

QUALITY POLICY: At KASTHEW GEOTECH Solutions Co. Uganda Ltd., we aim to provide value for money, deliver quality service and consistently exceed our customer’s expectations. In order to achieve this Policy, we establish and comply with the following;- a. Identify customer requirements, meet the requirements and carry out the services with team spirit. b. Ensure compliance with all applicable regulations and requirements regarding the services provided. c. Provide efficient services to meet customer specifications and need by procuring the proper materials and maintaining equipment and necessary infrastructure in a high state of repair.


what we do

GEO-TECHNICAL WORKS / SERVICES;- 1. SITE INVESTIGATIONS(Dam sites, Bridges, Roads, Buildings, Quarries, Mines, Windmills, Towers) (East Africa) 2. DRILLINGGeotech-Core drilling 3. SOIL SAMPLING(Auguring, Test pitting, U100, SPT) (East Africa) 4. ROCK CORING(Wire line and Conventional) (Uganda- east Africa) 5. IN SITU TESTING(S.P.T, D.C.P, C.P.T, Packer Tests, Falling Head Tests) (East Africa) 6. GEOTECHNICALLoggingand reporting (Uganda- east Africa) 7. GROUTINGworks(East Africa) 8. LABORATORYTesting & Reporting


1. Seismic Surveys
2. Geophysical Mapping
3. Tomography
4. Imaging
5. Soil Resistivity Testing
6. Sounding and Profiling




To be the region’s leading geo-technical & environmental assessment consultant.


To offer highly competitive consultancy services in Geology, Geo-technical an Environmental issues using new and innovative technology that meets the total needs of our clients.

Call Us : +256 704 032 414 / +256 781 580 278
Kasthew Water Construction Company UG Ltd is a leading provider of borehole and water drilling solutions / services in Uganda. The company has extended her services to cover projects in Rwanda, Burundi and D.R.Congo
Water Borehole Drilling Company Uganda
School Borehole Construction Uganda
Water Well Drilling Uganda
Solar Water Pumps Uganda
Geotech Drilling Company Uganda
Water Pipeline Systems Uganda
RC/Diamond Drilling Company
Community Handpump Boreholes Uganda
Top Leading Water Drilling Company
To be the region’s leading geo-technical & environmental assessment consultant.
To offer highly competitive consultancy services in Drilling, Geo-technical an Environmental issues using new and innovative technology that meets the total needs of our clients.
Colline House - Pilkington Road
Tel: +256 704 032 414
+256 781 580 278
Email: info@kasthewdrilling.co.ug